4-Day Working Week As A Recipe For Success? An Austrian Cosmetics Company Thinks So


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Changes in the business world are generally considered revolutionary when they entail a shift in the way people work. This has now become the reality of multiple companies around the world that are questioning a very simple yet understated fact: is a 5-day working week really necessary?

With the advent of new work-related schemes that are thoughtful of people’s off time, many CEOs on a global scale have sought to change the way their employees do business– flexible hours, more extracurricular activities, and work-related benefits have been included into this new era of work.

An example of how successful this new trend is can be seen in Austrian cosmetic company Unterweger’s new 4-day working week.

Pushing the envelope in branding themselves as organic, Unterweger is no stranger to being a revolutionary example– their organic cosmetics line –which includes naturally produced creams and oils– is quickly becoming one of the biggest online retailers in Europe.

Fifty employees from the company have been introduced to a six-month long program where they will work 4 days a week and will have three days off.

As company CEO Michael Unterweger has explained, the move comes after a thorough analysis that reported how the early hours of the day and the end of the day are the two least productive periods for their business. And, while looking to change their status quo, the company decided to implement a change to see how it would work out.

Fortunately, the move proved to be highly successful: the company has increased its sales substantially in the first half of 2018. As a result, their 36-hour weeks have become much more productive.

The company, based in Tyrol, has now expanded their workload capacity, making their employees’ working hours the most productive they have ever been. Added to this, employee satisfaction has rocketed. After all, who wouldn’t want a three day-long weekend?

Although they may be working less days a week, certain changes do require some extra effort. As employees are now working two more hours daily, they have been fully compensated, something that has brought a lot of satisfaction to the workplace.

The change came after they noticed how work would become slow and unproductive during Fridays, which prompted them to enforce a new policy. Now Friday –which used to be a half-day– has officially become the beginning of the weekend for the company’s work force.

And as if this wasn’t enough, Unterweger has announced an increase in wages for next year.



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